Sunday 19 February 2017


Han Solo isn't all that enthused about the idea of rushing into a detention centre to rescue a Princess he's never heard of. Thankfully, the idea of riches beyond his dreams soon proves an effective incentive, as fuelled by an eager Luke Skywalker.

Yellow indicates filmed but deleted conversation footage - a fun little moment from Ford as Solo:

Luke: No. Look a minute ago you said you didn't want to be captured, now all you wanna do is stay?

Han: Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind.

Luke: But they're gonna kill her!

Han: Better her than me.

"So -is - life." Deleted dialogue moment between Han and Luke.

Luke: (trying to convince Han) No, no, no, no, Han. I've seen her. She's so beautiful.

Han: So - is - life.

Also of note, Peter Mayhew had dialogue as Chewbacca in the hangar control room scene as Obi-Wan departs ("That old man's mad!"), relevant for the actors to take their cures from, but also presumably acting as a rough guide for where sound effects would be inserted for the creature.

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